graduation cap

40+ Wise and Hilarious Graduation Cap Quotes for Your Big Day

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While there is some debate about whether or not to wear a cap during a graduation ceremony, there can be no debate about the importance of wearing one. Besides, people are constantly finding new ways to celebrate the beginning of a new chapter in life. 

Whether it is because you graduated from high school, university or college, or are simply starting a new job, you will find that quotes from famous authors and poets supporting your growing-up experience have been trendy on Pinterest and Tumblr.

Graduation cap quotes

We have gathered some of the best graduation cap quotes to celebrate this special milestone for your graduate.

Funny graduation cap quotes

Your graduation hat should be the least embarrassing part of your outfit, and the best way to ensure this is by finding funny graduation cap quotes that will help you keep it classy in front of everyone else. Of course, these quotes will make you look good, but they will also make others laugh!

  1. “I am not scared to die. What scares me is not getting out of bed.”
  2. “I graduated from college, but I never left home.”
  3. “I graduated with honors but did not do anything worthwhile.”
  4. “I graduated atop my class but could not get a job afterward.”
  5. “The only reason we graduate is so we can tell ourselves we finished something when really all we did was start it!”
  6. “I am so thrilled I am about to wet my pants!”
  7. “Something is wrong with your education, but I cannot figure out what.”
  8. “Congratulations on graduating! You have done it! Now go get a job somewhere!”
  9. “You are fired! You are hired!”
  10. “I graduated from high school. I even had a cap and gown on.”
  11. “I will not be another statistic in your graduation speech.”
  12. “I got a diploma in getting fired.”
  13. “The first rule of graduate school is ‘Do not talk about graduate school.’ The second rule is ‘If you do, say nothing.’”
  14. “I was an excellent student. And I was an even better tester. So now my head is like an eggshell.”
  15. “May your diploma be the first thing you wear when you get married.”
  16. “What did you get your degree in? Math? That is great! You can use your degree to calculate the amount of money it will take to buy this cap.”
  17. “Sometimes, the only way to graduate is to get your degree.”
  18. “I am so glad I do not have to decide between a million things.”
  19. “A degree is a piece of paper that says, ‘I am smart enough to be on these other people’s payrolls.’”
  20. “You are going to be one more person in the world with a piece of paper saying they went to college.”

Meaningful graduation cap quotes

Graduation caps symbolize your academic achievements and are a great way to show off your style. In more ways than one, graduation is a time of change and growth for students. And, meaningful graduation cap quotes are the best way to say goodbye while showing your appreciation and respect. 

Also, you want to be inspirational among all the other students and having a clean custom graduation hat is the way to go! Thus, here are some meaningful graduation cap quotes for you to make an impact!

  1. I do not know what I want, but I know what I do not wish to. And it is not to be bored and alone.
  2. “If you do not know where you’re going, any road will take you there.”
  3. “Life is not about watching and waiting for the storm to pass. It is about learning how to dance in the rain.”
  4. “I can live with doubt and uncertainty, especially in the service of discovery. How sane is that?”
  5. “Whatever you do after graduation, you will be going somewhere.”
  6. “When in doubt, run for it! There is always a good reason to start something.”
  7. “You are not just graduating. You are also becoming an adult!”
  8. “A degree is a piece of paper. This is not the end, but a means to a goal.”
  9. “You cannot be what you want to be until you learn how to do what you love.”
  10. “You are the average of the five persons you spend the most time with.”
  11. “Your education is incomplete until you have failed a thousand times.”
  12. “Life is defined by the moments that steal our breath away, not by the number of breaths we take.
  13. “Do not wait for your ship to come in. The most exciting journey is a journey not started.”
  14. “I am ready to leave these halls behind and continue my journey as an adult woman.”
  15. “Do not worry about your future. You will have enough time to die.”
  16. “If you have time to criticize the man who mows your lawn, you have time to fight your battles yourself.”
  17. “The word ‘impossible’ implies that there is no way you can accomplish it. So it is impossible, but not a good idea.”
  18. “If you are lucky enough to know what you want, then you will never have to wonder why you did not get it.”
  19. “There is no resistance to what you may achieve if you do not mind who gets the credit.”
  20. “We are always surprised by the capacity of the human mind to understand and deal with complexity.”

Short graduation cap quotes

While graduation caps are a symbol of the milestones, our students have already achieved. They are ways to say many things and inspire others who have done their part in achieving many successes and obstacles along the way.

Sometimes you need to be reminded of the power of quotes. So, without wasting any more time, here is a list of short graduation cap quotes to help you get through graduation day.

  1. “I am going to miss everyone.”
  2. “Do not cry because it is over; smile because it happened.”
  3. “You are the master of your fate and the captain of your soul.”
  4. “Do not be afraid to take a chance; life is much more fun that way!”
  5. “Life is too short for anyone to give up on dreams.”
  6. “I have a short memory and a long road ahead.”
  7. “The best way to predict the future is to invent it.”
  8. “One chapter at a time; that is how life is.”
  9. “The older I get, the more I love my diploma.”
  10. “If there is a thing I have learned from my life, it is that there is always time for more.”
  11. “Change your thinking, and your reality will change.”
  12. “I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning to sail my ship.”
  13. “Those who trust in the beauty of their aspirations will have a bright future.”
  14. “Your future is not written in stone. It is written in sweat, blood, and tears.”
  15. “Graduation is the capstone of your academic career.”
  16. “If you do not succeed at first, try again.”
  17. “People perish when there is no vision.”
  18. “Education is not filling a pail but igniting a fire.”
  19. “I was born for this moment, and now it has arrived!”
  20. “Do not worry about your life. Live it.”

Final Words

So you are graduating, eh? Gratitude – know what is owed to you and to whom it is owed. Do not forget your gratitude as you move forward in life, or that help might not be so forthcoming when you need it. The world will be looking at you shortly; make a good impression with any of the quotes above!

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