Easy Instructions on How to Make a Pop-Up Card for Any Occasion

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  • Reading time:23 mins read

Pop-up cards are a great way to send your message or gift. They are also great for spreading cheer and making someone smile. They can be used for any occasion: birthday cards, wedding invitations, or even a thank you note.

You can find pop-up cards at most craft stores and online retailers. However, if you want to make your personalized pop-up card, there are plenty of ways.

In this guide, we will show you how to make a pop-up card in just minutes and teach you some of the most popular designs.

Pop up birthday card

Pop-up cards are an ideal way to get your message across. It is easy to write a pop-up card full of meaning and sentiment, yet it can be very versatile. You can use them for any occasion, from birthdays and anniversaries to weddings and baby showers.

Things you will need:

  • Cardstock (white or colored)
  • A pen
  • Scissors
  • Glue or tape
  • Pom-poms or tassels (optional)

How to make a Pop-up birthday card

Use this template to make a pop-up card for a birthday, anniversary, or other celebration. It is easy to customize the text and add your images.

  1. Fold two paper pieces in half. One component will be the pop-up’s interior, while the other will be the exterior of your card.
  2. Take the innermost card. Make two parallel cuts through the paper’s folded side. You may use simply one tab or numerous tabs to construct a scene (similar to a tiered cake) over the breadth of your card.
  3. Open the card and fold the tabs towards you to make a pop-out. Next, crease your tab down the center, so they pop inwards, then fold the card closed over them. When you reopen the card, the tab should be ready to customize.
  4. Take the outside of your second card. Attach the first piece of card with the flap pushed out to the second piece using the glue stick on the backside. Make sure they match and smooth them out to avoid creases.  
  5. It is now time to embellish your card, and this is where you can let your imagination run wild! You may add a picture to the tab or decorate it with glitter, ribbons, stars, or text. Then, write a nice note to the receiver in the paper above or below the pop-up.

Pop up Valentine’s Day card

Pop-up cards are a great way to give a gift and get back in the good graces of your friends and family. You can create a pop-up card for any occasion or say, “Happy Valentine’s Day!” This is super easy to do and only takes about 15 minutes.


  • A piece of paper.
  • A black marker pen.
  • Glue; or double-sided tape for sticking it together.
  • Scissors or paper cutter to cut out the card.
  • Cardstock to make the background paper.

How to make Pop up Valentine’s Day card

  1. Begin by folding the cardstock to form a card foundation.
  2. Cut a colorful paper the same size as your card and fold it. Make incisions in the folded section.
  3. Insert it inside the card. To make a pop-up stand, leave some slits unglued.
  4. Make a heart shape and attach it to the front of your card.
  5. Make several heart shapes in various sizes.
  6. Glue the heart shapes to the pop-up stand and the rest of the card.
  7. Your pop-up Valentine’s card is complete and ready to be sent to the people you care about. Make more of these and customize them if desired.

Pop up Mother’s Day cards

Mother’s Day is just around the corner, and we have got some awesome DIY Mother’s Day cards to help you celebrate. The guide will show you how to make your pop-up card with a beautiful photo and personal message!

Things you need:

  1. Two stiff scrapbooking papers
  2. Scissors
  3. X-ACTO knife or scissors Glue stick
  4. Parchment paper 
  5. Ruler

How to make Pop out Mother’s Day card

  1. Cut two long rectangles from one scrapbook paper sheet. Fold each rectangle in half and set it aside for the time being.
  2. Draw your pop-out design on the second sheet of paper. We made one card with a charming watercolor flower and another with an essential “MOM” cut-out. Cut out your pop-out design when you are finished.
  3. Return to your folded rectangles now. Reopen one of them and cut two parallel slits right down the middle, forming a strip still attached to the card on both ends. Each pop-out object on the card requires one of these strips. So we trimmed one piece to let the bloom peek out.
  4. Fold the strip in the opposite direction as the card — but be cautious not to damage it! Fold it in gently so that the strip is within when the card is entirely folded.
  5. Reopen the card and coat the strip of paper below the center crease with glue. Next, fold the card back into a closed position, pressing the ribbon to the back of your pop-out design.
  6. Remember the second piece of paper we cut at the start? Now is the moment to seize it. First, open the fold and apply a tiny amount of adhesive to the interior. After that, align it and adhere it to the back of the cut-out card.
  7. All that remains is for you to write a beautiful note and brighten Mom’s Day!

Father’s Day pop-up card

Father’s Day is coming up. You may be thinking about what to get your dad for Father’s Day, but maybe you are not sure how to make a pop-up card.

We have some great ideas for making a pop-up card for any occasion. If you have the right supplies, these are super easy to make and fun to use!


  • Card
  • Paper
  • Marker or pen
  • Glue
  • Scissors 

How to make Pop up Father’s Day card

  1. Begin by cutting a tiny rectangle into the top of a sheet of white paper. Then place a smaller one immediately on top of the one you just cut, and another even smaller one just above that. Only the sides should be clipped, not the tops. This is what causes your card’s pop-up effect.
  2. Apply glue to the card’s exterior border and adhere it to your black construction paper while folded in half.
  3. Cut out “I Love Dad” letters and begin putting them inside your card.
  4. On the card, write “Happy Father’s Day.” Then, cut out heart shapes from red paper and start gluing them on.

Pop up flower card

Pop-up cards are a great way to send a message. They are easy to make and can be personalized with your personal touch. Here’s how to make a pop-up flower card.

Things you need:

  • A graph
  • Paper in different colors
  • Glitters
  • Glue 
  • Scissor
  • Stickers

How to make Pop up Flowers card:

  1. Take a regular sheet and adhere the colored paper to it. Next, combine them with a glue stick and cut them into seven pieces, each like a flower petal.
  2. Fold one of those separated sheets in half. Then fold it in half again and again as a triangle. Cut the flower into whichever form you choose. Make all seven flowers for the pop-up card in the same manner.
  3. Take one of those flowers now. Then, gently clip only one petal from each of the seven blooms. Then, take those flowers and place one petal in each color.
  4. Next, glue three flowers together. Then take another, then two more, and finally the last one. Attach just the ends of the flower, so it opens without causing any disruption; otherwise, they will stick to each other.
  5. Apply glue to the flower entirely and adhere it to the pop-up card. It pops up without any interruption when you are opening it.
  6. Finally, adding some stars and butterflies here and there makes the design more appealing.

Shark Pop Up Card

Make shark week extra special with a shark pop-up card! Dare to open this card and you’ll be bitten by this sea creature! Making this card is easy with our printable template (in full color and black and white). 

The best way to celebrate Shark Week is with some cool shark activities, and what’s cooler than a craft that’s ready to bite? The pop-up card is insanely easy to make, all you need is the template, a sheet of red paper, and some glue (the black-and-white version comes with coloring).

Shark Pop Up Card Printable

Shark Pop Up Card With Printable Template

What you need:

  • Printed in black and white or in full color
  • A sheet of white cardstock paper
  • A sheet of red cardstock paper
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Coloring supplies to print the black and white version

Step by Step Tutorial

  1. The template should be printed out. Both the black and white and full color versions are available in two sizes.
  2. Here is the smaller black and white version.
  3. Print the scene on cardstock and color it with your favorite coloring supplies. The card should be cut out.
  4. Cut a red rectangle the same size as the card by placing the card on top of red paper.
  5. The red rectangle should be folded in half.
  6. Along the dashed line, fold the card with the shark in half. The picture should be on the outside.
  7. Be careful and cut slowly along the zigzag line between the teeth.
  8. The shark’s body has diagonal lines. Along those lines, fold. Crispen up the folds.
  9. The card should be opened. Gently close the card, this time with the shark picture on the inside, by pushing your fingers through the mouth hole from the back.
  10. With your fingers, gently press the mouth and teeth together and slowly close it.
  11. After the card is closed, run your hands over the folds several times.
  12. The image card should be glued inside the folded red card. Set the glue by pressing down.
  13.  All done! Your shark pop up card is ready to bite.

Final words

Pop-up cards are fun and exciting to make. You can always find the right card for the right moment with your unique pop-up card. We hope you found these instructions and tips handy. Such cards are not too expensive and require little time to make. The shape of the card may be rectangular, circular, or in any other form.